/ be different, be an outsider; /

掙扎了5年幸好 死不去 仍然服藥中的抑鬱症和焦慮症患者,相信用自己一點點的力量, 帶來一點點改變,令更多人認識我們的世界。希望精神病在香港不再是一種標籤,而是一個每個人都能引以為傲的歷練,像運動一樣辛苦過後便是成長的一種。
The story begins in 2015, I just wanted to do something that has not been done by anyone else - be different, we are combining our passion for sports, support in mental health awareness, and promotion in sustainability.
All About Us
希望社會可以多了解和思考其他人背後的故事,每個人都是獨特的存在,每個人都可以 "Be different, proud to be an outsider"。希望正經歷痛苦的人感到有人同行不是自己一個人面對,鼓勵他們勇於面對和發聲。希望提醒香港人在注意身體上健康同時也要關注心靈和精神上的健康。特別是在社會運動/COVID-19這段時間,不論是身體上/精神上我們都經歷了很多。
In Hong Kong, it is found that one in every seven people would suffer from a common mental illness at some point in their lives. Three-quarters of persons suffering from a mental health issue will not seek professional care. Many people will continue to suffer in silence as a result of stigma, feelings of shame, a lack of information about their condition, as well as a lack of readily available professional help. We take the initiative to start the dialogue, reach out to people you care about, give them your support and love.
We hope to motivate everyone to move more think more and care more, to enhance mental health awareness in Hong Kong, universal awareness to care more about the mental health of people around themselves. So we are hoping to build a community that encourages people to talk about the issues and accept people who are different and anyone can be special in the way they can be.
資料來源 (Reference)
Crystal Chan · Jun 22, Pang, A., & Wang, E. (n.d.). 金秀賢、徐睿知新劇《雖然是精神病但沒關係》想探討的是什麼?你作為你就已經夠好了!. POPBEE. https://popbee.com/features/kim-soo-hyun-seo-yea-ji-its-okay-to-not-be-okay-netflix-tvn-discussed-mental-illness-psycho-problem/.
Mind HK. (n.d.). Mental Health in Hong Kong. Mind HK. https://www.mind.org.hk/mental-health-in-hong-kong/.
陳章明教授. (2017, May). 精神病患者需要的不只是藥物和治療. https://www.eoc.org.hk/EOC/Upload/UserFiles/File/thingswedo/chn/twdpwm0078.htm.